Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Catgut" By Anna Gavalda

This short story is a very graphic story, I thought.  It is about a doctor, Dr. Lejaret, who gets a phone call from the Billebaudes farm, which is down the road from her.  She ends up going over there and the two men who live there rape her.  She then goes and kills the men who raped her by drugging them and very gruesomely killing them.  With the first guy, she took her surgical blade and took out his testicles.  For the man who telephoned her, she grafted his balls below his Adam's apple.  Yes, this is a very gross story, but I think it is trying give the readers a message. 

"They seriously hurt me.  That's what happened.  I really don't want to say it again, but I'm going to repeat it for those of you who didn't hear me:  they seriously hurt me."  While reading, I found this passage to be the most interesting.  In this passage you can tell how bad the doctor is hurting almost to the point where you can feel her pain.  These two men took advantage of her and "seriously hurt" her.  Reading this passage gets the reader to feel sympathetic towards the doctor.  I know while I read it I felt sorry for her because I don't think anyone should go through such an awful thing like that.  The fact that she repeated they seriously hurt her twice really caught my attention.  She wants to make it known how much she was hurt, both emotionally and physically.

I think the reason the author wrote this story is to allow readers to be exposed to rape and show them that it is okay to open up and talk to someone about it.  I thought this story was important because it actually had a purpose to it.  I say this because it had a strong point to it which people my struggle with today - being a victim of rape.  Many people who struggle with this are afraid to open up about it until many years later.  The author may have struggled with this herself, we don't know that for sure but it is possible.  While reading this story, I was wondering why the author wrote this? Is it a story about herself or someone she knows? Many questions come to mind from reading this story and we may never know the answers. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A little about myself

"If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?"  Vince Lombardi

I consider myself a very athletic person, who hates to lose.  Sports has been a part of my life since I was little.  I grew up in a small town called Kellnersville, Wisconsin with a family who have been big sports fans all their life, especially Milwaukee Brewer fans. My name is Lyndsay Holschbach and I am a senior at Silver Lake College located in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. I am majoring in accounting and play on the women’s basketball team here.  I will be graduating in May and shortly after graduation I am hoping to find a job within the area of Manitowoc. I want to work for a large corporation and eventually become a manager.  I am still debating if I want to take the CPA exam, but I will make that decision later on in my future.  Along with having a full time job, I also want to become a coach.  I have wanted to be a coach since I was in middle school.  For the past 3 years I have been an assistant varsity softball coach at Reedsville High School and am hoping within the next few years to become the head coach.  Doing this would make my dream since middle school come true. 
I am writing this blog as part of my World Literature class.  I did not take this class because I wanted to, I was kind of forced to.  See, I am in my senior year of college and in order to graduate I needed one more English credit so here I am.  I think this class is going to be tough for me because I really don't like English classes and struggle with poetry a lot.  In this class I want to gain a better understanding of poetry and all other readings from around the world.  I want to enhance my reading skills so that I am able to get a better feel of where the author is coming from and why they are writing the poem or short story.  So far the readings we have read were very confusing to me and hard to understand what the point of the reading was.  By the end of this class I want to have improved my reading skills so that I will be able to grasp the writer’s purpose and understand them more.